2022-09-12 Version 1.2 * Fixed the management of MODS WCS k/wds added in raw data from April 2022 * Horne extraction is set to false in the defaults parameters files * Revised alternative fits viewers definition in Preferences; the viewer name is now shown on the corresponding button * Removed useless columns and added object ID and original L/MMS slit number in Window Table viewer * Default RA,DEC for longslit set to 0.0,0.0 (both LUCI and MODS) * Added object ID in upper left panel of "Show Reduced Spectra" with the possibility to modify it * Only a single lamp can be selected in Create Master Lamp recipe * Single line plot is shown also for longslit master lamps 2022-01-18 Version 1.1 * Fixed a bug in ABBA sky subtraction method: wavelength refinement is now applied also on sky frames * Added the Manage Detections tool to manually add undetected objects and remove fake ones * Plot Sensitivity now works also with tables created from a single star exposure * Fixed units in Show Reduced Spectra labels * Fixed mandatory inputs for Preliminary Reduction, Master Flat and Master Lamp recipes * Hidden macOS system files are now ignored during import procedure * Improved documentation adding description of new features and fixing typos 2021-10-05 Version 1.0 * First version